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What is a "Noun"?

A noun can be one of five different things:

1) a person--- Barack Obama, Michael Jackson, Batman, Richard Rose 2) a place--- Reseda, Lake Michigan, Balboa Park, Argentina 3) a thing--- wall, rose petal, cheescake, sidewalk 4) an animal--- dog, canary, salmon, dinosaur 5) an idea--- vacation, democracy, softness, temptation

Every sentence has at least one noun (or pronoun). It is almost always stated directly but it can also be implied. For example, in the sentence, "Stop that," the pronoun that is implied is "You."

A noun can be the subject of a sentence, a direct object, an indirect object, or the object of a preposition.

In the sentence, Give me the ball in your hand," the "subject" is "You." It is implied. "Me" is an indirect object; "ball" is a direct object, and "hand" is an object of the preposition. "In" is the preposition.

Nouns can also be described in the following ways:

Singular (man, table, pen) Plural (men, tables, pens) Collective (family, team, group) Possessive (Jim's desk, Karen's notebook) Count (chair, pencil, day) Non-Count (sugar, time, money) Proper (Empire State Building, Victory Boulevard, New York City) Common (building, street, city)

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